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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

The ambiguous role of fear of missing out in shaping the online experience and brand relationship of brand account followers on Instagram

Published: May 25, 2021


Daniel Maar, Paris School of Business; Hajer Kefi, Paris School of Business; Mehmet Orhan, Paris School of Business


This article introduces the popular concept of fear of missing out (FoMO) to the marketing literature on brand fan pages and brand accounts on social networking sites, to clarify how followers’ FoMO affects their online experiences and relationship with brands they follow on Instagram. Through a survey with 274 Instagram brand account followers, this study shows that brand account content that provides hedonic or informative value to followers has direct positive effects on followers’ brand account engagement and brand attitude and ultimately increases their brand loyalty. Informative value, however, also increases followers’ FoMO, which positively affects followers’ brand account engagement but negatively affects their brand attitude. Perceived follower interactivity moderates the effect of followers’ FoMO on their brand account engagement and brand attitude. These results enhance the understanding of how brands can effectively manage their accounts and connect with their followers on Instagram.